El pecado de la pereza no es más que la pereza. Los teólogos medievales dijo que este pecado puede condenar a una persona al infierno. Modernos científicos sugieren que las víctimas de la depresión clínica puede haber sido juzgado erróneamente como "perezoso" durante la Edad Media. Pero después de todo, es un pecado o una enfermedad? La cura para la pereza historia que van desde el herbario griegos, a través de los monjes medievales que las oraciones y el ayuno prescrito por los médicos de principios del siglo XX para combatir la "falta de energía", con injertos de glándulas de cabras.
The sin of sloth is just the laziness. The medieval theologians said that this sin can condemn a person to hell. Modern scientists suggest that victims of clinical depression may have been wrongly judged as "lazy" during the Middle Ages. But after all, is a sin or a disease? The cures for sloth history ranging from the herbarium Greeks, through medieval monks who prescribed prayers and fasting, by the doctors of the early twentieth century to fight the "lack of energy" with grafts of glands of goats.
Canal: The History Channel (Brasil)
Duração: 45 minutos
Idioma: português (portuguese)
Codec: Dvix
Formato do Vídeo: 16:9
Qualidade: PDTV-RIP (Qualidade equiparada ao DVD)
The sin of sloth is just the laziness. The medieval theologians said that this sin can condemn a person to hell. Modern scientists suggest that victims of clinical depression may have been wrongly judged as "lazy" during the Middle Ages. But after all, is a sin or a disease? The cures for sloth history ranging from the herbarium Greeks, through medieval monks who prescribed prayers and fasting, by the doctors of the early twentieth century to fight the "lack of energy" with grafts of glands of goats.
Canal: The History Channel (Brasil)
Duração: 45 minutos
Idioma: português (portuguese)
Codec: Dvix
Formato do Vídeo: 16:9
Qualidade: PDTV-RIP (Qualidade equiparada ao DVD)
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