Dando continuidade à coleção Operação Cavalo de Tróia, sucesso entre os amantes de aventura, a Planeta lança Cavalo de Tróia 8, novo volume da série e no qual J. J. Benítez consegue se superar a cada página. Ninguém, até hoje, narrou com tantos detalhes o suposto batismo de Jesus de Nazaré. Assim como ninguém havia se atrevido a relatar, com semelhante crueza, o que aconteceu naquela histórica jornada em um dos afluentes do rio Jordão. Você sabia que o Mestre nunca se retirou para o deserto e nem foi tentado pelo diabo?
In this wonderful work narrated and dramatized to the whims Fonolibro material. I remind the members of the tavern that the audio is in Spanish, but the speech is well and paused to understand rhythmic giving 90% of the words themselves and thereby making the understanding. If you can not remember to put down the book's synopsis:
Continuing the collection of Operation Trojan Horse, success among lovers of adventure, the Planet launches Trojan horse 8, new volume of the series, in which J. J. Benítez can be overcome to each page. Nobody, until today, narrated with so many details the supposed baptism of Jesus of Nazareth. As there was nobody dares to report, with a similar reality, what happened on that historic day in one of the tributaries of the Jordan River. Did you know that the Master never withdrew to the desert and was not tempted by the devil?
En este maravilloso trabajo narrada y dramatizada a los caprichos Fonolibro material. Me permito recordar a los miembros de la taberna que el audio está en español, pero el discurso está bien y pausa rítmica dando a entender el 90% de las mismas palabras y con lo que el entendimiento. Si no puede recordar a la sinopsis del libro:
Continuando con la colección de la Operación Caballo de Troya, el éxito entre los amantes de la aventura, el Planeta lanza caballo de Troya 8, nuevo volumen de la serie, en la cual J. J. Benítez se pueden superar a cada página. Nadie, hasta hoy, narrado con tantos detalles de la supuesta bautismo de Jesús de Nazaret. Como no había nadie se atreve a informar, con la misma realidad, lo que ocurrió en ese día histórico en uno de los afluentes del río Jordán. ¿Sabía que el Maestro nunca se retiró al desierto y no ha sido tentado por el diablo?
In this wonderful work narrated and dramatized to the whims Fonolibro material. I remind the members of the tavern that the audio is in Spanish, but the speech is well and paused to understand rhythmic giving 90% of the words themselves and thereby making the understanding. If you can not remember to put down the book's synopsis:
Continuing the collection of Operation Trojan Horse, success among lovers of adventure, the Planet launches Trojan horse 8, new volume of the series, in which J. J. Benítez can be overcome to each page. Nobody, until today, narrated with so many details the supposed baptism of Jesus of Nazareth. As there was nobody dares to report, with a similar reality, what happened on that historic day in one of the tributaries of the Jordan River. Did you know that the Master never withdrew to the desert and was not tempted by the devil?
Idioma: Espanhol (Spanish)

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