Ainda mal tinha subido ao trono, já D. Pedro lançava a vingança contra os que tinham tirado a vida de sua amada, mãe de três dos seus filhos, a bela Inês de Castro. Este ato, que lhe rendeu o cognome de O Cruel, ficou sempre gravado na memória do povo português. No entanto, foram as ações que lhe mereceram o seu outro cognome, o Justiceiro, que realmente foram importantes na governação de um dos mais populares monarcas da História de Portugal. A aplicação de Justiça e o enriquecimento do País foram os fatos que mais marcaram a governação de D. Pedro I.
Apenas había ascendido al trono, desde que D. Pedro lanzó venganza contra los que habían cobrado la vida de su amada madre de tres de sus hijos, la bella Inés de Castro. Este acto, que le valió el sobrenombre de el Cruel, siempre me impresionó en el Portuguese people. Sin embargo, fueron las acciones que le valió su apodo, el Castigador, que realmente son importantes en el gobierno de uno de los monarcas más populares en la historia de Portugal. Aplicación de la justicia y el enriquecimiento del país fueron los hechos que más marcaron el gobierno de D. Peter I.
Hardly had ascended the throne, since D. Pedro threw revenge against those who had taken the lives of his beloved mother of three of their children, the beautiful Inês de Castro. This act, which earned him the nickname of the Cruel, was always impressed on the Portuguese people. However, were the actions that earned him his other nickname, the Punisher, who really were important in the governance of one of the most popular monarchs in the history of Portugal. Application of Justice and the enrichment of the country were the facts that most marked the governance of D. Peter I.
Canal: Filme Unimundos(Portugal)
Duração: 34 minutos
Idioma: português de Portugal(portuguese)
Codec: Dvix
Formato do Vídeo: 16:9
Qualidade: DVD-RIP
Apenas había ascendido al trono, desde que D. Pedro lanzó venganza contra los que habían cobrado la vida de su amada madre de tres de sus hijos, la bella Inés de Castro. Este acto, que le valió el sobrenombre de el Cruel, siempre me impresionó en el Portuguese people. Sin embargo, fueron las acciones que le valió su apodo, el Castigador, que realmente son importantes en el gobierno de uno de los monarcas más populares en la historia de Portugal. Aplicación de la justicia y el enriquecimiento del país fueron los hechos que más marcaron el gobierno de D. Peter I.
Hardly had ascended the throne, since D. Pedro threw revenge against those who had taken the lives of his beloved mother of three of their children, the beautiful Inês de Castro. This act, which earned him the nickname of the Cruel, was always impressed on the Portuguese people. However, were the actions that earned him his other nickname, the Punisher, who really were important in the governance of one of the most popular monarchs in the history of Portugal. Application of Justice and the enrichment of the country were the facts that most marked the governance of D. Peter I.
Canal: Filme Unimundos(Portugal)
Duração: 34 minutos
Idioma: português de Portugal(portuguese)
Codec: Dvix
Formato do Vídeo: 16:9
Qualidade: DVD-RIP
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